What's new at Core dna: Credit Surcharge & Hooks Events
Introducing the new Surcharge feature.
Surcharges are anti-discounts - they use the same engine as the discounts and can be set up in exactly the same way, but unlike discounts which reduce the cost of the order, surcharges add to the order total.
This might be useful when introducing packing and handling fees for specific products or groups of customers.
Surcharge can be applied to the order as a whole or to a package. For example, it is possible to implement a handling fee for each package packed for the order.
On this page:
Surcharge action
This action allows an addition to be made to that cart total. The surcharge does not alter the per-item price of the cart, so tax per item does not change.
You can use this action if there are some conditions which need to be met but the outcome is intended to increase the cart total.
There are two Apply To options:
- Cart Total: The total supplied in the amount field will be added to the cart total. If the modifier of plus is selected then it will simply add, otherwise then a percentage of the cart total is used.
- Packages: For every packed package used by Zone Based Shipping, Apply the amount provided to the cart total. This is per package. This option allows you to add package pricing to the Core dna checkout. For example, if a checkout has two packages and the Amount is +$10, then $20 dollars will be applied.
Other feature releases: New Hooks actions
We’ve also added new Hook events to the Projects and Tickets module.
We added the following Hooks events for Projects module:
- New Task
- Update Task
- New Comment
- New Follower
- New Assignee
We also add the following events for Tickets Module:
- New Ticket
- Update Ticket
- New Comment
- New Assignee
Please refer to the documentation for further details.
To see the full release, please go to our release notes.