December 2023 - Release 6: Customizable admin menus and OAuth 2.0

Admin menus and OAuth 2.0

What's New?

  1. It is now possible to create new and rearrange the existing admin menu elements, and to change their visibility based on user type and access permissions at the module and/or entity level. Creating a new menu element is as simple as copying the URL of the page you would like to access directly from the menu. For example, a new menu element called "News" can be added under the "Content" section and point to the News blog listing page. See System -> Admin Menu Elements.

How to create custome menu elements in Core dna

  1. Core dna can now act as both an OAuth 2.0 client and server. This means that in addition to Single Sign-On (SSO) support for the most popular providers, such as Google or Azure, a Core dna site can be used as an OAuth authentication server itself. Users can use their Core dna website credentials to securely log in to third-party web or mobile applications using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes:

  • It is now possible to duplicate forms.
  • The "External ID" field on the Products is no longer a mandatory field.
  • It is now possible to filter users by user type on the Users listing page.
  • Form submissions data export is now working substantially faster. It is also now possible to specify time in the filter.
  • Improved performance and stability of the internal links conversion and external images downloading in rich text.
  • Fixed an issue with the missing "required" switch on certain types of layout areas.
  • Fixed an issue with multiple choice form elements not being validated correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with Product lifecycle-based hooks not being triggered when the categories are updated.
  • Fixed an issue with a memory leak in the Site Data listing page.
  • Fixed an issue with template caching in Twig.
Core dna team
Core dna team

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