Variant Images Import
Variant Images can be uploaded and attached to their corresponding product variants through bulk import. Image sources can be a combination of online images and local files from a specified directory.
The steps for bulk importing of variant images are as follow:
- Configure the location of the site folder where the images will be pulled from. This step is optional if all the images are online. The directory is relative to the root folder of the site.
Location: DXP→Transactions→Catalogues→Manage Configuration→Variant Import Image Directory - Select whether you would like to overwrite the existing variant images, or append new ones. This behaviour is controlled by the switch Overwrite Variant Images on Import shown above. By default the images are appended.
Note: if you select overwrite and list more images than the ones already existing for a variant, the remaining images will be appended to the variant. If you list less images than the existing ones, the rest of the existing images will stay intact. - Upload a spreasheet containing the variants data through DXP→Transactions→Catalogues→Manage Configuration→Custom Import & Export. Select the Import radio button, select a template and a file to upload and finally click on Import Catalogue.
Your spreasheet must provide at least the require fields for each variant to be identified, and also a a column that your variants import template corresponds to the "images" property. The default name for this column is images.
Image list formatting
Variant images must be separated by a pipe ("|") character. An online image must be prefixed with either https:// or https:// protocol. Image numbering is not required; CoreDNA will process each image in the given order.
Example image list string for a variant: new_image1.jpg||image3.jpg